Title: Fallen 2022
Directors: Nicolo Fumero
Writers: Simone Chiattone, Nicolo’ Fumero, Francesco Lucci
Cast: Ortensia Fioravanti, Daniel McVicar, Alessia Pratolongo
Genre: Horror
Rating: 5.0/10
Synopsis: Father Abraham was prepared to save the world from a malevolent danger utilizing expulsion until misfortune struck. Years after the fact, he is living on a remote ranch with his little girl, tormented by the essences of those he saved and those he could not. Subsequent to observing a peculiar and pale humanoid animal prowling in the forest one evening, he shoots and incinerates the beast. All around soon he finds that the monster was not alone and his inconveniences have just started. Stream the best films of all time on Lookmovie 2022 in 4K quality.
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