Title: The Stranger 2022
Directors: Thomas M. Wright
Writers: Thomas M. Wright
Cast: Joel Edgerton, Sean Harris, Ewen Leslie
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller
Rating: 6.6/10
Synopsis: In “The Stranger 2022” in this movie, growling synths encourage us to be careful with our expectations. The voiceover features a man talking about breathing in clear air and exhaling black air. Police searching for evidence along a road is briefly seen. Then, a weathered-looking man with a thick, unkempt grey beard is shown. Henry Teague is the man. He is on a plane. Paul, the male occupant of the seat next to mine, starts talking. Paul manages to secure Henry’s employment by the end of the journey. We don’t know what that job entails. But it’s the kind that pays in cash and needs everyone to communicate through coded ambiguities. Human trafficking is a possibility, as are guns or drugs. Henry appears to be okay with that and is probably familiar with it. As soon as Paul leaves, Mark enters. Mark is a go-between who shuffles himself and his subordinates into and out of meetings, much like mid-level managers are to corporations’ opaque illicit “businesses.” Henry is pressed by Mark to provide him with all of his criminal history information. No criticism is intended; the bosses merely want to know if there are any warning signs of impending difficulty. Henry, be sincere. And Henry claims that he is honest, claiming that he served time in prison intermittently for assault and that he is on the level. Henry claims that using violence is out of the question for these nebulous professions since second infractions are when they really come after you. The greatest website to visit from the current list of movies is Lookmovie com, a very distinctive streaming service for Movies and tv series.
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