Title: The Diplomat Season 1
Directors: Simon Cellan Jones
Writers: Debora Cahn, Mia Chung
Cast: Keri Russell, Rufus Sewell, David Gyasi
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Rating: 8.1/10
Synopsis: Russell portrays Kate Wyler, a US ambassador who has bravely sought to mediate peace in nations affected by conflict and turmoil throughout her career, in the movie “The Diplomat”. Kate is unexpectedly chosen to serve as the US ambassador to the UK, a position for which she is utterly unqualified. After the British aircraft carrier HMS Courageous is attacked off the coast of Iran, killing numerous Navy troops, she is instantly plunged into the deep end. In order to strengthen the long-standing international ties between the UK and her country, Kate is being transferred there. Kate’s personal life is further disrupted as she attempts to navigate US-UK ties. However, to run for vice president, a person must remain married, which complicates Kate’s predicament even further. Despite being put on the president’s “blacklist” for making some questionable comments, he can’t help but meddle in his wife’s new position and try to land himself a coveted new job. Kate learns from a Russian spy that Roman Lenkov, the head of a Russian mercenary squad, was paid to carry out the attack after persuading him that Iran wasn’t to blame. Kate is convinced by this gesture that Russia wasn’t involved, especially after they provide Lenkov’s location to make his detention possible. check out this without-charge streaming freelookmovies website for movies and Series.
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