Title: Grimcutty 2022
Directors: John Ross
Writers: John Ross
Cast: Sara Wolfkind, Shannyn Sossamon, Usman Ally
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Rating: 4.5/10
Synopsis: Beginning with a small boy sneaking out of his room while his father reads articles about internet difficulties, the first scene of Grimcutty 2022 shows the youngster’s bandaged hands and wrists. Grimcutty sneaks into the house as he descends and obtains a knife from a partially visible figure. The youngster then reportedly follows the creature’s instructions and stabs his mother. They criticize her decision, rather than supporting it, by blaming “online addiction.” which results in further measures, such as making phone-free outings required. Of course, they continue to use group chats, and one of these alerts them to the “Grimcutty Challenge.” With a strong prologue and a mood that draws inspiration from the 1980s “Satanic Panic”—which has nothing to do with the movie—in which individuals burned heavy metal records and tried to have Dungeons & Dragons games outlawed, writer/director John Ross gets things off to a solid start. As Asha’s parents criticize her attempts to become a great influencer but encourage Kamran’s equally improbable aspirations of becoming a professional saxophonist, some good family drama is also developed. Grimcutty might have made a good movie if he had been able to keep up this level of performance. Unfortunately, the movie succeeds in making Grimcutty’s existence the most plausible part of the plot when it attacks Asha. Watch the latest Horror Hollywood Movies On Lookmovie Horror Categories. Stream Free Online Movies and Tv Series In HD Quality On Lookmovie New Site.
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