Title: White Elephant 2022
Directors: Jesse V. Johnson
Writers: Jesse V. Johnson, Erik Martinez, Katharine Lee McEwan
Cast: Lorenzo Antonucci, Lincoln Brown, Eric Buarque
Genre: Action, Thriller
Rating: 4.2/10
Synopsis: “White Elephant,” which is anchored by a stolidly warm performance from Michael Rooker, a man whose filmography more than fills out with tombstone-faced psychopaths. Johnson’s gangland, shot by Jonathan Hall—who has worked on seven of Johnson’s previous eight projects—appears to be entirely made up of liminal space, where even an Italian restaurant decked out in faux rustic charm, where ostensibly high-ranking mafiosos congregate, exudes an aura of the in-between. Evil is a boring and bloodless business, until when blood gets everywhere. Dry discussions occur in faceless vehicles and offices—a mausoleum is also a hallway, but gives some colorful respite—evil is a bland and bloodless business, unless when blood gets everywhere. Add John Malkovich’s worn visage as Professional Corrupt Lawyer Glen Follett, whose performance is best described as “undemanding,” and Rooker’s simmering presence as the most reassuringly capable mass-murderer in any room to these dreary, scummy places. As a result, White Elephant frequently becomes a languid, dreamlike, and occasionally violent eulogy for a life of crime about which we know little. Gabe’s wife, a wildlife activist, died a few years ago, and we know that he wants to finally accomplish what his wife always wanted him to do, which is to get out of the life, as Gabe reveals to his young upstart of a partner. If you like to watch horror, comedy, science fiction, documentaries, romantic and action movies, etc. then you can get to watch all these for free on the home page of the lookmovie site in full HD quality.
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