Title: Wifelike 2022
Directors: James Bird
Writers: James Bird
Cast: Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Elena Kampouris, Doron Bell
Genre: Sci-Fi
Rating: 5.6/10
Synopsis: In the movie Wifelike, Jonathan Rhys Meyers plays a bereaved detective who goes after crooks who sell fake humans on the black market. in the struggle to stop the misuse of AI. While this is going on, an underground resistance group tries to penetrate him by interfering with the artificial human companion Meredith (Elena Kampouris), who is programmed to act like his late wife. The main flaw of Wifelike is that it takes too long to get to the point and instead spends too much time examining Meredith and William’s private moments. The majority of the movie is spent with William pursuing errant friends and Keene (Fletcher Donovan), the head of an A.I. rights group who appears in Meredith’s nightmares and reveals the stories William has been telling her about her history aren’t true. One of the more moving sequences shows a group of ladies who are about to have their memories erased aligning with one another in an effort to help one another achieve freedom on their terms. Even though Bird may have had good intentions with his writing, it was that particular scene that would have given this movie the perfect level of weight on the big screen. The Look Movie website is one of the most important websites to find free movies and TV shows online.
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