Title: Better Nate Than Ever 2022
Directors: Tim Federle
Writers: Tim Federle
Cast: Rueby Wood, Joshua Bassett, Aria Brooks
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Musical
Rating: 6.2/10
Synopsis: Nate is a 13-year-old boy from Pittsburgh who dreams of becoming a Broadway star. Rex and Sherrie, his parents, are aware that her older brother Anthony has been sidelined as a result of her unusual behavior. Nate gets cast in and out of the lead roles in the school play, but he finds comfort in his sole friend Libby, who encourages him in his aspirations despite his fear of the stage. She informs him that he will be auditioning for the Broadway adaptation of Lilo and Stitch. But Nate isn’t sure he’ll be able to make it. Nate’s parents, by chance, have decided to relocate for a bit. Nate pretends to spend the night at Libby’s house while Anthony exploits the opportunity to hang out with his pals. Without notifying anyone, Nate and Libby hid aboard the bus to New York City. Nate and Libby learn where they can audition, but they must be accompanied by a parent or adult. Nate’s Aunt Heidi, a struggling actress, happens to be in town for an audition for A Solitary Woman, and Nate appoints her as her guardian. While Heidi is overjoyed to see Nate, she wants to do the right thing and phone her sister Sherrie to inform her, but Nate provides her Libby’s number to keep the information hidden. Nate walks to the audition, but as he tries to demonstrate Fiddler on the Roof dancing on his knees, he pulls his pants off and degrades himself. Nate intends to return to Pittsburgh with Libby, assuming he has failed, only to learn that he has been called back. Libby can’t bear living in New York with Nate and confesses her affections for him, but Nate says he doesn’t think so and stops for a callback that impresses the casting directors. If you want to watch recently released animation movies, then you will get to see the latest superhit movies in this Lookmovie Animation category free of cost and with the best video quality.
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